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My Inspiration for December III

31 Dec

This December I was inspired by Degas’ ballerinas, music by Syd Barrett, Rolling Stones (The Last Time), Velvet Underground, The Byrds (Eight Miles High), The Kinks, and some tunes by John Coltrane – Tunji and India. Painting, daydreaming, striped floors and tutus; that seems to be all there is to my December days. Oh, and I’ve watched Sing Street (2016) and I thought it was very good!

1877. Degas - The Green Dancerssyd-37

Redon, OdilonEdinburgh by Daniel Farò

syd barrett cover

syd 2

1967. New York's Young Design Scene 6syd 33


somber-circus-4 the-strand-arcade-autumn-winter-2011-campaign-features-tiah-eckhardt-6 where-the-party-lexi-boling-by-roe-ethridge-for-v-magazine-spring-2015 1966-esquire-magazine-may-1966 1966-jane-birkin-photographed-by-norman-parkinson-for-vogue 1967-art-scene 1967-dolly-clothes-for-dolly-birdes 1967-october-a-silvery-mary-jane-of-crushed-kid-is-strapped-and-thickly-soled-in-gold 1967-sharon-tate-in-fearless-vampier-killers 1967-sparkly-silver-space-fashion1960s-marianne-faithfull-24  syd-47 richey-1