Tag Archives: January 2022

My Inspiration for January 2022

31 Jan

This has been a rather fun and creative January for me, but I am still glad it’s over! I really enjoyed gazing at the Japanese woodblocks depicting winter scenes with snow covered roofs and bridges, paintings of Marie Laurencin, Danish painter Gerda Wegener and Raphael Kirchner; the latter two painted quite a few paintings with pretty girls and swans which I love. Flowers and bright colour to compensate for winter’s dullness…. oh how I long for spring’s mellow, flowery, idle days! I read Irving Stone’s romanticised biography of a German businessman and amateur archaeologist Henry Schliemann called “The Greek Treasure” and it was really interesting, even though I was never particularly interested in ancient Greek art and civilisation, but Stone writes in such a vibrant and captivating way and he can make any topic fun. Also, a song I really enjoyed this month was “I want your love” by Transvision Vamp from 1988. The singer, Wendy James, really brings this intense, obsessive energy when she sings and I love the video as well. Here are some lines from the song:

“Well I love, love, love, love the way you move
And I love, love, love, love the way you groove
I love your motivation
And I love your desperation
I want your love.”

Picture by Laura Makabresku.

Abandoned window in the forest. Ink and watercolor on paper. Instagram

Picture by Hadar Ariel Magar, “I am a garden of black and red agonies”.

Picture by Laura Makabresku.

This is a spirit communication via automatic writing, from I Heard a Voice, 1918.

Picture found on daryadarcy on Instagram.

Picture by everlinet on Instagram.

“Teacup in Chains” by glenmartintaylor

Instagram: everlinet.

Picture: Japanese Satsuma Tea Caddy By Kinkozan, 1900.

Picture found here.

Picture found here.

North Lodge of Brockenhurst Park, Hampshire, UK | @nicolinaiacob

White Wanstead Epping Forest by Christian Moss

Picture by tonchetaah on flickr.

Picture found here.

In Bloom Gown // FireflyPath

Picture found here.

Lovely Bones (2009) film caps, found here.